8 Podcasting Trends You Should Know in 2023

A podcast is an excellent way to engage with your audience. Today’s podcasters cater to listeners of diverse tastes and preferences.

Despite the fact that the podcast industry has been around for approximately 20 years, podcasting has evolved dramatically in recent years. Currently, there are 383.7 million podcast listeners worldwide as of November 2022, and this number is expected to reach 424 million by the end of the year. 

With the podcast audience eager to focus on audio shows and the expansion of technologies such as smart speakers, podcasting as a career is also growing popular. As a result, aspiring podcasters must be very astute in order to stand out. One of the greatest ways to do so is to stay up with the newest podcast trends.

In today’s article, you will learn what is the future of podcasts and get to know key podcasting trends in 2023. By reading this blog, you will surely be able to upgrade your career as a podcaster and accomplish all your goals in the future. 

8 Podcasting Trends You Need to Watch Out

  1. Narrowing Down Niche 

According to the research, 74% of people listening to podcasts tune in to learn something new. So, you should not be surprised that narrowing down your niche is among podcasting trends. The more podcasts you have, the greater your chances are to reach a larger audience.

Finding a relevant podcast niche will enable you to offer insightful content to your listeners. Once you build and grow your audience, your fans will become your partners. Loyal fans can aid you in growing and becoming an expert in your field. With the severe competition in podcasting, it has become highly important to niche down. That might even imply creating a second podcast.

Consider who your podcast is intended for as one approach to narrow your focus. A podcast about social media marketing strategies, for instance, can be tailored to either beginners or experts. A time-management podcast can be targeted at team leaders, project managers, and others.

Another strategy to narrow your focus is to concentrate on a certain geographical area. Running a music podcast may appear overly generic. Covering music genres specific to your country, on the other hand, would limit your podcast to a certain sub-niche.

2. Increased Competition Between Podcast Platforms

Spotify and Apple are the leading podcast platforms in the podcasting industry. So, learning how to start a podcast on Spotify is not a necessity but a must.  However, recently, several other cool platforms for podcasters have emerged.

Podcast hosting platforms and apps such as Anchor and Captivate have also boosted their capabilities to offer users new opportunities to share and make money with their podcast shows.

YouTube has also become an increasingly popular platform for YouTubers. So, there is no wonder why podcasters tend to feature their content on this platform. 

So, severe competition is also on the list of podcasting trends for 2023. The competition will be fierce with all of these actors in the podcast game. This means that each platform (particularly the major media conglomerates) will take significant steps to establish themselves as podcast industry leaders. As a result, competition in 2023 will most likely drive creative improvements in podcasting’s future.

3. Podcast’s Success Will Highly Depend On the Hosts

Podcasting and social media complement one another. Social networking is a powerful brand-building tool that can help you gain listeners and market your show. However, it is not just about the show’s brand. The host’s brand is also important, and many podcast hosts are starting to profit from this.

More podcasters will use their influence for marketing and cooperating with brands in 2023. This podcast influencer market will develop dramatically, increasing the opportunity for podcasts to profit successfully.

Two people recording a podcast

4. Programmatic Podcast Advertising is Also Among  Podcasting Trends

Programmatic advertising is about the full automation of selling and purchasing online ads. This method employs artificial intelligence and algorithms to buy and optimize adverts in real-time. Programmatic advertising is more efficient and faster than traditional ones. This results in increased conversions and decreased customer acquisition expenses for advertising brands.

Programmatic podcast advertising is a great place to start when it comes to monetizing your podcast. You sign up and then sit back and watch the money roll in without having to create a single ad. Once you’ve decided on your categories, the technology will place the ads in your episodes for you. So, this is yet another great option among podcasting trends you should try for success.

5. More Live Events and Streaming

Another podcast trend you should take into consideration in 2023 is live streaming. Users on the internet prefer watching videos over reading magazine articles. 

Live podcasting allows you to reach out to your listeners. Live streaming enables podcasters to organize interesting events such as Q&A sessions and contests.

So, regardless of your podcast’s niche, your audience will be grateful for an opportunity to connect with you during a live event. There’s no excellent way to strengthen communication with your fan base than with live podcasting.

Podcasters can take advantage of live streams in multiple ways. Apart from offering an additional profit stream, it also aids you in fostering a sense of community with your audience. Undoubtedly, it can help your podcast grow.

6. More High-Quality Content

It is well-known that content is king. Especially when there are more than 2 million other podcasts out there, you need to have exceptional content to stand out in the competition. So, being creative and concentrating on quality is a recipe for success and another important trend among podcasting trends for 2023.

Along with delivering compelling content, you should also provide the best quality audio and video. The better the quality is, the more people will prefer to listen to your podcasts. 

7. Voice Search

The increased use of voice search technologies has altered our relationship with the internet. Users of virtual assistants such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant can search the internet hands-free.

Another of this year’s podcasting trends is voice search, which comes as no surprise. To be competitive, you must optimize your podcast content for voice search.

Below are a few tips on how to optimize the written content of your podcasts for voice search:

  • Make use of keywords in your podcast episode titles and descriptions.
  • Create content that could serve as a response to a frequently asked query. 
  • Structure your written text in such a way that search engines can identify the relevant sections as responses.
  • Consider certain long-tail keywords that may be related to your podcast in order to build your brand. Concentrate on your target audience and be detailed.
  • Mobile-optimize your website.

Because your target audience prefers audio content, they will most likely look for your podcast using voice search rather than typing it into the search bar.

8. User Experience Optimization by Using Data

Optimizing data-driven user experiences can assist you in focusing on the material that your listeners want to hear.

Consumers are becoming more demanding and expect increasingly tailored experiences.

The word information and a right arrow

Thus, you need to learn more about your audience to meet their expectations. The data you collect can be utilized to provide your listeners with more personalized experiences. As a podcaster, you can make use of the data insights to understand your target listenership better. In this way, you will be able to deliver tailored user experiences that meet your listener’s demands.

To get started, you can research trending and popular keywords. In this way, you will be able to find out the topics your listeners are interested in the most. That will also lead to higher engagement rates.

Combine data from your podcast media host statistics with general market information about listeners, such as degree of engagement and purchasing tendencies. Track individual episode interactions as well as your data-driven marketing efforts. Then, modify your podcasting strategy as needed.


Keeping up with the newest podcast trends is essential for running a successful show. If you follow the above-mentioned podcast trends, you can establish a loyal fan base that will help you monetize your podcast.

The latest trends in podcasting to watch for in 2023 include narrowing the focus and focusing on quality. Podcasters will also need to optimize for data-driven user experiences as well as deliver live shows. The use of voice search and programmatic podcast ads will increase. Last but not least, you will need to gather more data about your audience to be able to provide them with more personalized experiences.

If you follow the latest trends in podcasting, you’ll be able to transform your passion into a stable and successful business

SEO Content Writer

Diana Aghumyan

Diana is an experienced creative SEO content writer at SayNine. She is passionate about writing and giving value to people with her articles. Her blogs revolve around advertising, digital marketing, and other similar topics.